I've been spending the morning digging around for ways to generate more traffic for my blog and looking at other peoples work to see what I like. The best piece of advice I've gotten so far is "be useful". Hilariously, I find my own work to be quite useless. Most blogs are of two types, this here personal rantspace and the other, more useful type that have focus, an audience and somewhere to go with their ideas. I don't think either one is better or worse, just servicing very different audiences and intentions.
I'm enjoying the dead blogs I come across even more, blogs that haven't been updated in 3 or 4 years. They stand as gravestones to an active mind, an idea of some kind or another. I wonder how many of these are dead people's blogs, just waiting out their inactivity period before deletion. Who will I give my Firefox keychain to when I die? I'll have to ask my lawyer if The Internet has legal standing as a person that I can consign my works to posthumously. I'd like to send my thoughts to the Internet the way sailors send their bodies to the sea, to be eaten by predators, lost among the Tag Clouds.
Well, you may notice that there is a Creative Commons tag on the bottom of this page now. It's ok, it's very small but I'd like to point it out now. That's a very important little piece of HTML right there. I'd like to state explicitly that I meant to put it there and I spend a lot of time talking shit about CC work. I figure it's time to back it up. So everything here can be reproduced, shared, discussed and improved upon with attribution including photos. A number of my friends publish CC photos so I'll use their work or my own to keep everything kosher.
I'm considering launching a fo'real blog in the near future. I'd be reviewing one album a day, regardless of genre, publication date or relative hipness. I need to spend some more time researching the IP laws around this but everything I've seen so far seems like this project will take off.
I'll let everyone know what's going on when I've got a site up and running.
03-11-08 Update:
It's on bitches.
A Fresh Cup of Awesome