The writings of Eriq Nelson, ranging from poetry to prose to Extremely Bad Ideas and short stories.

31 March, 2008

Maceo and the All The King's Men: Doing Their Own Thing

Do you own a pin stripe suit? No? You should. This record would complement your new suit perfectly and I wouldn't steer you wrong. In fact, I know a guy who can get you into a gold pocket watch and suit this afternoon, real cheap. Some cologne too I think. Well, thank you sir, it is funky as hell isn't it? Indeed. You too. Goodbye.

Maceo Parker
was born to light your ass on fire. This is fact, I can prove it with data and I've got a lab full of funky motherfuckers in lab coats that will back me up on this. Think I'm wrong? Nope. James Brown had faith that Maceo Parker was bad enough to lead his band and that's about all I need to know. Besides which, all you really need to do is listen to this album and let your hips do the voting.

Even among the least funky of crowds say, a retirement home in Ohio, the head-nodding quotient is higher among Maceo Parker control groups than any other listening segment. It's science bitches, and it works. This album is the King's Men at the height of bad-assery and it they burn it up through the entire album. This is melting a hole through my laptop with Breakestra, James Brown, The Quantic Soul Orchestra and Parliament.

Good for: Lighting you up when the world really wants you down.

Check out some tracks at!

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