The writings of Eriq Nelson, ranging from poetry to prose to Extremely Bad Ideas and short stories.

18 March, 2008

Guest post by Jerry Vaughn! Meshuggah:ObZen

Consider ObZen a mathematics puzzle. If you add the complexity of Tool, multiply the brutal vocals of Lamb of God, and divide by the square root of death metal, the answer to the equation is Meshuggah. The 5-piece poly-prog metal act from Sweden is back with yet another journey to confuse and astonish their fans. These guys never cease to amaze me with their impeccable sense of timing.

There were occasions that I had to stop head-banging just so I could find the beat again. Quite a few of lead guitarist Fredrik Thordendal's riffs are the sickest I've heard in ages. Drummer Tomas Haake continues to deliver his sick combination of standard and polymetric beats which sound like an orchestra of machine gun fire at times. Jens Kidman's vocals seem as sharp and focused as ever. The rest of the gang delivers a phenomenal performance this time around as well. All in all this is, in my humble opinion, their finest effort since 1998's "Chaosphere".

Good For: Kicking old ladies, road rage, breaking shit, and 52 minutes of mathematics.

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