This is brass as weapon and salvation, the two edged sword of judgement in the hands of disciples of the beat box. Sonic poetry that ranges from the subtle to the thunderous graces each track as I feel the ground beneath me shake. I cannot listen to this record without finding myself whistling the tunes for the next few days. It will infect your head, shake your ass and move your soul. Best listened to on an incredibly loud stereo, preferably on a sunny day in the summer time.
There is this positive energy that flows out of this band, like they've tapped into the source code of the universe and found the spirit form of Stevie Wonder. If this album doesn't get you wide open, then you're a corpse. They spin destruction and resurrection in a spell of interweaving melody and complex harmony, a complete phase of life in a song. When I die and my jazz funeral is under way, these are the guys I want to boom bap me into the next life. We're on a train from New Orleans to New York with The Roots. They're covering the Duke Ellington songbook and picking up every funky motherfucker with a horn from the South on up.
Good for: Blowing the doors off of your car with a horn section the size of Mount Olympus.
Check them out on Last.fm!
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